The Wednesday Club

A social organization for members of Anthem Country Club

News - Interest Group Pictures

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  • 04/20/2023 3:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    L to R    Meryl Weight, Xenia Pedroia, Mary Moore, Delores Ruedinger, Janice Sieber, Sandy Martinez, Rae Ann Cortez, Laurie Thoma, Joan Miller, Carla Gunter, Virginia Hensen

    Our DayTripper group on Thursday, April 20th ventured to Gilbert & spent the day at the beautiful Agritopia Farms.

     It’s a 12 acre farm created not only to preserve urban agriculture on this land but as a place for the community to gather & enjoy.  All of us enjoyed the farm’s Barnone facility, a community for skilled craftsmen to make & sell their handcrafted goods. We of course loved the wine bar!!

     We ate lunch at Joe’s Farm Grill on a lovely patio.

     Our guide CeCe was excellent & extremely informative & lives in the area. I’m sure most of us would go back. I personally would love to stay the weekend in Gilbert.

     Rae Ann Cortez
     Joan Miller    Co-Chairs

     L to R    Meryl Weight, Xenia Pedroia, Mary Moore, Delores Ruedinger, Janice Sieber, Sandy Martinez, Rae Ann Cortez, Laurie Thoma, Joan Miller, Carla Gunter, Virginia Hensen

  • 04/02/2023 3:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Daytrippers2 enjoyed the play “The Secret Comedy of Women” at the Herberger Theater on March 22nd.  They lunched at  Hanny’s Restaurant (a Phoenix Department Store back in the day) which is located  within easy walking distance to the Herberger.

    Pictured in front are the two stars of the show Melanie Wehrmacher and Linda Klein.

    Attending were Barbara Baum, Maggie FitzHarris, Katy Gregory, Sally O’Neill, Janith Branson, Victoria Boyd, Sarah Gutek, Kathy Schwalbach, Sara Mayfield and guests Jan Sieber, Mary Alice Hegreness and Karin Dixon. 

  • 03/16/2023 3:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Movie & Lunch II met for lunch at The Stillery on Happy Valley Rd and saw the movie Champions at Harkins Norterra on 3/16/23.  

     Marsha Kent 

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2023 The Wednesday Club  P O Box 74892  Phoenix  AZ  85087  A 501(c)7 Social Organization

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